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  #0222 – Alternative Medicine

#0222 – Alternative Medicine, - Ang, mater, ESL Podcast McQuillan Jeff mp3+PDF

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English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 222 – Alternative Medicine
to be prescribed
– to have something, usually medicine, recommended in
writing by a doctor to treat pain or an illness
* The doctor told her that she should never take medicine that was prescribed for
someone else.
– permanent; continuing for a long time
* Living in another country has a lasting impact. It often makes people more
respectful of cultural differences and more interested in world news.
alternative medicine
– ways to treating pain or illnesses that are not taught in
most western medical schools or considered standard in a community
* The doctors said her illness could not be treated, but with alternative medicine
she got better.
to swear by
– to believe in; to rely on; to trust in
* Manuel swears by carrots as the key to a long life because his grandfather eats
them every day and he is 103 years old.

a treatment for pain by placing needles in the skin on certain
parts of the body
* Kim would never use acupuncture because she’s afraid of needles.
– a set of exercises or treatments designed to reduce pain or treat an
* After I broke my leg, the doctor said I would need two months of therapy to be
able to walk normally again.
– doubtful; not believing; questioning
* Why are you so skeptical about being able to pass the test? You’ve studied for
weeks and I think you’re going to do very well.
New Age
– related to a movement about religion or spirituality that believes in a
holistic (both mental and physical) way to treat pain and illness
* Their friend writes New Age music that sounds like it’s from another planet.
– a system of medicine that uses small amounts of something to
treat an illness, believing that large amounts of it will cause harm
* Homeopathic doctors believe that small amounts of medicine can have
powerful effects on our health.
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2006). Posting of
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English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 222 – Alternative Medicine
herbal supplements
– medicines or vitamins that are made from plants
* My aunt drinks teas as herbal supplements during the winter so that she
doesn’t get sick.
all natural
– without artificial ingredients; without man-made chemicals
* His message at the talk was that If you’re worried about getting cancer, you
should eat all natural foods because other foods have too many chemicals in
to be injured
– to be hurt; to have a damaged body part, like a broken bone
* The driver was injured in the car accident when he hit his head on the window
and the glass cut his face.
– something that is added to something else to make it
complete; putting things together that make each part even better
* We chose to send our son to that school because its classes are
complementary to what we teach him at home.
– a drug; something taken to treat an illness
* She is taking two medications: one is for her throat pain and the other one is to
help her stop coughing.
to undergo clinical trials
– to participate in laboratory studies that use people to
study a new drug
* The new drug treats bone problems in mice, but it needs to undergo clinical
trials before doctors will know whether it works in humans.
– non-traditional; unusual; not generally accepted
* At first, her unorthodox ideas about the project shocked her co-workers but
eventually, they all agreed with her.
what does (one) have to lose?
– it can’t hurt and it might help
* He should apply for the job. What does he have to lose? If they say no, he’ll
still have his old job, but if they say yes, he’ll have more interesting work.
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2006). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 222 – Alternative Medicine
1. Why is the man in the story considering alternative medicine?
a) Because he doesn’t trust traditional doctors.
b) Because his family recommends it.
c) Because he hopes it will treat his back pain.
2. The man’s friend, Amelia:
a) Believes that alternative medicine can be helpful.
b) Is a medical doctor.
c) Tried alternative medicine once and was very unhappy with the results.
The word “lasting,” in this podcast means being permanent or continuing for a
long time: “When Jana´s uncle died in a car accident, it made a lasting
impression on him, and now he never drives at night.” As a verb, “to last” means
to continue or to be enough: “The batteries in the radio lasted all night but the
batteries in the flashlight only lasted for two hours.” Or, “The party was fun while
it lasted but cleaning up afterwards was too much work.” As an adjective, “last”
means the final one: “He is worried because he waited until the last minute to do
his homework.” Or, “Who ate the last piece of bread without telling me that we
need to buy more?” “Last” can also mean the previous, such as: “Last year we
went on vacation in Hawaii, but this year we’ll probably go to Florida.”
In this podcast, the phrase “to swear by” means to believe in something or to
trust in something: “I swear by dancing as the best way to lose weight.” The verb
“to swear” also means to make a serious promise: “He swore that he would never
go to the dangerous part of town again without his parents.” In court, people
often say: “I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”
before they give evidence in front of a judge. “To swear” can also mean to
promise that you are telling the truth: “I swear I didn’t know he was planning to
steal the painting from the museum.” “To swear” can also mean to use bad or
rude words: “Please don’t swear when you are near the children. They are too
young to hear those words.”
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2006). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 222 – Alternative Medicine
According to the U.S. government, 36% of adults in the United States use
alternative medicine. Americans spend more than $27 billion on alternative
medicine each year. Most of these people use alternative medicine to treat pain
but others use it to treat colds, “depression” (feeling sad without a reason),
problems with “digestion” (absorbing food after it has been eaten), and sleeping
There are four “categories” or types of alternative medicine. The first category,
“mind-body techniques,” uses the power of thought to treat physical pain or
illnesses. For example, relaxing thoughts can lower “blood pressure” or how
much force is used to push blood through your body. The second category,
“biologically-based therapy” uses “herbs” (plants), vitamins, and minerals to treat
health. For example, many herbal teas are used to treat coughs and headaches.
The third category, “body-based therapies,” uses “touch” or physical contact to
treat pain. Massages are often used to treat “sore” (painful) muscles. Finally,
the fourth category, “energy therapies,” treats pain and illnesses by changing the
energy that some people believe is in and around the human body.
Alternative medicine used to be the enemy of traditional medicine and people
had to choose which type of medicine they wanted to use to treat their pain and
illnesses. Today, however, many people believe that the best treatment is a
combination of alternative and traditional medicine. For example, someone with
cancer may speak with a traditional doctor and have traditional “chemotherapy”
or a set of drugs that destroys cancer in the body, but also have weekly
massages, drink herbal teas, and “meditate” or to sit quietly and try to empty
one’s mind to feel more peaceful and to control pain.
Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – c; 2 – a
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2006). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 222 – Alternative Medicine
Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 222: Alternative
This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 222. I'm your host, Dr.
Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in
beautiful Los Angeles, California.
Remember to visit our website at You'll find there the Learning
Guide for this episode, which contains all of the vocabulary, additional sample
sentences using the words we're going to talk about today. It also contains a
complete transcript of this entire episode along with additional explanations and
culture notes.
Our topic in this episode is alternative medicine. Let's get started.
[Start of story]
I have been suffering from back pain for years. I’ve tried several treatments
prescribed by my doctor, but nothing has had a lasting effect. I finally decided to
try alternative medicine.
My friend, Amelia, swore by acupuncture. She said that her knee pain went
away after only a few weeks of therapy. She was skeptical when she first
started, but she knew after only a few sessions that it was working for her and
that this was no New Age nonsense. She thought it might work for me, too.
My co-worker, Ray, suggested that I try some homeopathic treatments. He said
that taking herbal supplements that are all natural has helped him recover after
getting injured on the job a couple of months ago. He took these as
complementary to the traditional medication his doctor gave him. He said that
even though the herbs he takes haven’t undergone clinical trials, his own
experience told him that they work.
I’m a little nervous about trying these unorthodox treatments, but after hearing
about Amelia’s and Ray’s experiences, I’m willing to give them a try. Nothing has
worked so far, so what do I have to lose?
[End of story]
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2006). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
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