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  #0749 – Getting Standard Medical ...

#0749 – Getting Standard Medical Test Results, - Ang, mater, ESL Podcast McQuillan Jeff mp3+PDF

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English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 749 – Getting Standard Medical Test Results
– happening once each year; occurring at the same time each year;
* Welcome to our 10
annual users conference!
– a medical exam, usually conducted once a year, to assess an
individual’s health and monitor changes over time
* The school requires students to have a physical before they can participate on
any sports teams.
lab results
– a written report of what was found during a laboratory analysis,
especially regarding what was found in a blood or urine (liquid waste) sample
when it was analyzed in a medical laboratory
* Nancy’s lab results indicated that she has high levels of lead in her blood.
– a fatty substance that is necessary for healthy cells and hormone
production, but that is dangerous at very high levels and can lead to heart attacks
* Mary is trying to lower her cholesterol by eating less butter, cheese, and red
– a span of numbers or levels between some minimum and maximum
* Your test score fell in the average range, between 70 and 80 points.
– a type of sugar found in the blood and used by the body as a source
of energy
* If you don’t eat, your body won’t have enough glucose and you won’t have
enough energy to do all the things you want to do.
– one of many substances in the body that affects the functions of
other cells and body parts
* When Betty turned 60, her doctor measured her hormone levels and prescribed
estrogen pills.
blood cell
– the smallest unit of material found in blood (the red liquid inside
one’s body)
* People who suffer from Sickle-cell disease have blood cells with unusual
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2011). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 749 – Getting Standard Medical Test Results
– tally; the number of items that have been or can be counted
* This is a 30-count box, so you should have enough pills for the entire month if
you take only one each day.
EKG stress test
– a test in which a person is told to exercise while his or her
electrocardiography (EKG) is used to see how the heart it working and whether it
is healthy
* The doctor asked Jun to run on the treadmill as quickly as possible for a few
minutes during the EKG stress test.
bone density
– a measure of the amount of matter (substance) in a certain
volume of bone, the pieces of hard, white material under one’s skin
* Women with low bone density are more likely to suffer from fractures and
broken bones.
– a test that reads or produces an image of something
* Psychologists conducted brain scans of patients who were watching violent
movies to see how their thought patterns were affected.
Pap smear
– a Papanicolaou test; a medical exam where a doctor takes a
sample from a woman’s internal reproductive organs to test for cancer
* My doctor recommends that most women have a Pap smear once each year.
– an x-ray of a woman’s breasts, used to test for cancer
* Most women don’t get mammograms until they’re 40 years old, but Karina
started earlier because several of the women in her family have had breast
cancer in their 30s.
– prostate specific antigen; a test used to check the prostate (the part of a
man’s body that makes liquid for carrying sperm) for cancer
* Harold’s PSA test showed high levels, so the doctor is recommending
additional testing.
– digital rectal exam; an exam in which the doctor puts his or her fingers
into a man’s rectum (where solid waste leaves the body) to check for prostate
cancer, or into a woman’s rectum to check for problems with reproductive organs
* Would you rather have a male or female doctor for your DRE?
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2011). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 749 – Getting Standard Medical Test Results
1. Why can’t Judith understand the lab results?
a) Because they’re written in very bad handwriting.
b) Because they use a lot of technical medical terms.
c) Because they contain conflicting information.
2. Which of these would provide information about a patient’s heart?
a) An EKG stress test.
b) A bone density scan.
c) A Pap smear.
The word “physical,” in this podcast, means a medical exam, usually conducted
once a year, to assess an individual’s health and monitor changes over time:
“Tracy is looking forward to her next physical, so she can show her doctor how
much weight she has lost.” The word “physical” can also be used to talk about
things we can see and touch: “Teachers shouldn’t be expected to teach students
until their physical needs are taken care of.” Or, “After years of working in an
office, it was very challenging for Sam to work in a physical job in construction.”
Finally, the phrase “a physical relationship” refers to a relationship where people
are having sex: “They were best friends for years, but they never had a physical
In this podcast, the word “range” means a span of numbers or levels between
some minimum and maximum amount: “Today’s cars have a wide range of fuel
efficiency, mostly depending on how big they are and what kind of engine they
have.” Or, “Lynn thinks 72-75 is a comfortable temperature range, but people
who visit her house always complain about being too hot.” When talking about
music, “range” is the different notes a voice or instrument can make: “The singer
was famous for having a range of more than four octaves.” Finally, in a kitchen,
a “range” is a stovetop, or the device that produces heat to cook food in pots and
pans: “Don’t forget to clean the range when you wash the dishes.”
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2011). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 749 – Getting Standard Medical Test Results
Standard Physicals
Doctors check many things during an annual physical, depending on a patient’s
“health history” (records of what kinds of medical problems a person has had in
the past). But all “standard” (typical; common) physicals begin with a
conversation where the doctor asks the patient how he or she feels and whether
the patient is aware of any problems.
A standard physical for an adult includes “weighing” (determining how heavy
something is) the patient. If the weight has increased or decreased “significantly”
(in an important way), the doctor usually discusses “eating habits” (the type and
quantity of food one normally eats) and exercise with the patient. The doctor will
also determine whether the person is “underweight” (not weighing enough,
considering one’s height), “overweight” (weighing too much), or “obese”
(weighing far too much).
The doctor will also ask questions about the patient’s “behavior” (actions),
including whether the patient smokes, “drinks” (drinks alcohol), takes drugs,
exercises, or has “unsafe sex” (sex without protection from diseases).
The doctor usually looks into the patient’s ears, nose, and throat, looking for
anything unusual. The doctor uses a “stethoscope” (a device that magnifies the
sound of heart beating, with one end touching the patient’s chest and the other
two ends in the doctor’s ears) to listen to the patient’s heart and “lungs” (the part
of the body that takes oxygen from the air). The doctor also “takes the patient’s
temperature” (uses a tool to see how hot a person’s body is) and uses a “blood
pressure cuff” (a device that puts pressure around the upper arm) to measure the
patient’s blood pressure.
Finally, the doctor may ask the patient to leave blood and “urine” (pee; liquid
waste) “samples” (a small amount of something) for testing for infections, blood
sugar levels, and other health “indicators” (things that show or reveal something).
Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – b; 2 – a
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2011). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 749 – Getting Standard Medical Test Results
Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 749: Getting
Standard Medical Test Results.
This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 749. I’m your host, Dr.
Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in
beautiful Los Angeles, California. How are you today? Oh, just fine; thank you
for asking.
You should go to our website now at and become a member of ESL
Podcast, and when you do you can download a Learning Guide for this episode.
What’s a Learning Guide? Well, it’s our little secret weapon, our little magical pill
that will help you improve your English faster than ever.
This episode is a dialogue between Judith and Steven about going to the doctor
and getting some results from some tests that the doctor performs on you.
Sounds like fun! Let’s get started.
[start of dialogue]
Judith: I had my annual physical two weeks ago and I just got a copy of the lab
results, but I can’t figure out what they mean.
Steven: Let me take a look. The results of your blood tests are good. Your
cholesterol is within the normal range, your glucose levels are fine, your hormone
levels are good, and your red and white blood cell counts are normal, too.
Judith: That’s good news.
Steven: You did well on your EKG stress test and your bone density scan is fine.
Judith: Really? That’s great. What about the other results?
Steven: There appears to be no problems with your Pap smear or mammogram
results, either.
Judith: I’m really glad to hear that. I hate going through those exams. I’m glad I
don’t have to do them more often.
Steven: Just be glad you’re not a man.
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2011). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
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