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#0876 – Preparing a Professional Portfolio, - Ang, mater, ESL Podcast McQuillan Jeff mp3+PDF

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//-->English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 876 – Preparing a Professional PortfolioGLOSSARYta da– a sound one makes when one is proud of something, is introducing orpresenting it for the first time, and wants others to see and admire it* Ta da! What do you think of the new drapes on the windows?portfolio– a collection of one’s work, showing one’s best pieces, often used tosecure work with new clients* Before hiring a webpage designer, make sure you ask to see his portfolio.sample– one piece of something, meant to show what other pieces are like* Anyone who applies for the job has to send in at least two professional writingsamples.highlight– the most impressive, important, or interesting part of something* Your presentation was the highlight of the three-day conference.groundbreaking– innovative; new and interesting, not yet done by anyone else;pushing the boundaries of what is expected or accepted* She’s doing groundbreaking research that could lead to a cure for cancer.fact sheet– a one-page written document that provides basic information aboutsomeone or something, usually as a bulleted list (not with full sentences orparagraphs)* The company has a fact sheet on its website, and investors who want moredetailed information can call the manager.accomplishment– achievement; something that one has done, especiallysomething that was difficult and required a lot of effort and determination* Getting a book published is a major accomplishment. Congratulations!client– a person who purchases products or services from a company or anindividual, especially when talking about consulting services* Krystal is at technical writer, and most of her clients are software developers.award– an honor or prize given to a person in recognition of his or heraccomplishments or outstanding performance* In elementary school, Jill received an award for perfect attendance becauseshe hadn’t missed any days of school.1These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2013). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 876 – Preparing a Professional Portfolioresume– a written document, usually one or two pages, presenting anindividual’s name, contact information, professional experience, education, skills,and awards or honors, used to search for a job; a curriculum vitae* According to her resume, she used to be the human resources director for thehospital.testimonial– a written or audio statement from a customer or recipient,evaluating the product, service, or experience interacting with a company, usedto encourage other people to do business with the company* The first few pages of the book are filled with testimonials from businessleaders who say it is one of the most important books they have ever read.satisfied– pleased with something because it has met one’s expectations,without any complaints* If you were satisfied with our service tonight, please fill out this brief survey tolet our managers know.a work in progress– something that is still being worked on and is not yetfinished; something that is under development* They’ve been renovating their home for years, and it is still a work in progress.blank– without any words, images, or other marks; without any information; notwritten or drawn upon* Let me give you a blank check, and you can fill in the amount I owe you oncethe work is completed.thin– without very much substance or content; sparse; partly empty* The actors give a good performance, but the plot is a little thin.room for growth– with opportunities for improvement and/or expansion; not yetfinished or complete* We’ve increased sales significantly this past year, but there’s still room forgrowth.plenty of– a lot of; much* We’ll have plenty of food, so please bring a friend!2These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2013). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 876 – Preparing a Professional PortfolioCOMPREHENSION QUESTIONS1.a)b)c)2.a)b)c)Why does Chad refer to Melinda’s portfolio as a work in progress?Because it shows a lot of her unfinished projects.Because there are empty pages in her portfolio.Because she isn’t being paid to work on it.What is on the testimonial page of Melinda’s portfolio?Written statements from past clients.Nothing at all.Logos of the clients she has worked for.______________WHAT ELSE DOES IT MEAN?sampleThe word “sample,” in this podcast, means one piece of something, meant toshow what other pieces are like: “Would you like to try a sample of our new bluecheese?” A “sample” is also a small amount of something that is tested todetermine something about the larger amount: “The scientists are collectingwater samples from local lakes and rivers for testing.” When talking about asurvey or a questionnaire, a “sample” is a small group of people who answerquestions, and whose answers are used to try to understand the larger group:“Each year, the institute interviews a sample of 400 people about their opinionson gun rights.” Finally, when talking about music, a “sample” is a small part ofone song that is used to create a new song: “The performer uses samples frommany popular folk songs.”thinIn this podcast, the word “thin” means without very much substance or content,or sparse: “The attorney presented only a thin argument, so he’ll probably losethe case.” The phrase “to walk on thin ice” means to be doing something that isdangerous or risky: “Rebecca knew she’d be walking on thin ice if she evertalked to her mother that way.” The phrase “to vanish/disappear into thin air”means to disappear completely, without an explanation: “Where are my carkeys? They couldn’t have vanished into thin air.” Finally, the phrase “thin-skinned” describes someone who is offended or insulted easily: “It was just aharmless joke, but Harold is so thin-skinned that he took it personally andbecame very angry.”3These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2013). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 876 – Preparing a Professional PortfolioCULTURE NOTEWho Uses Portfolios?People working in many different professions use portfolios to “showcase”(display; show off) their work. Artists’ portfolios are filled with images of their“sketches” (simple drawings), paintings, and sculptures. “Architects” (people whodesign buildings), photographers, and “landscape architects” (people who designoutdoor areas) also have portfolios with images of their work. It is generallyeasier for them to present a printed portfolio than to bring their artwork or takethe client to the physical “site” (place; location) where their work is displayed.“Graphic designers” (people who use computers to produce images) and“website designers” (people who create websites) often have “digital” (electronic)online portfolios on their website, so that “prospective clients” (people who mightbecome clients) can review their past work.“Models” (people whose job is to wear clothing or make-up to help a companysell products) also have portfolios. These are usually books filled withphotographs of them on the “runway” (the long, flat surface that fashion modelswalk on in front of an audience) or in advertisements. Sometimes these portfolios“serve a dual purpose” (have two uses), since they showcase the work of themodel and the photographer at the same time.Some business professionals also have portfolios. These might be a well-organized collection of documents that present their education and experience.For example, a “career portfolio” might contain academic “transcripts” (records ofwhich classes one took at a particular school and what grades one received),work samples, and certificates demonstrating “proficiency” (ability to dosomething well) in foreign languages or technical skills.______________Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – b; 2 – b4These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2013). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 876 – Preparing a Professional PortfolioCOMPLETE TRANSCRIPTWelcome English as a Second Language Podcast number 876: Preparing aProfessional Portfolio.This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 876. I'm your host Dr.Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development inbeautiful Los Angeles, California.Our website is ESLPod.com. Become a member of ESL Podcast and downloadthe Learning Guide for this episode.This episode is a dialog between Melinda and Chad about preparing a portfolio ofyour work. Let's get started.[start of dialog]Melinda: Ta da! I’m finally done with my portfolio. Do you want to see it?Chad: Sure. This portfolio has samples of your work, right?Melinda: It does, but it’s much more than that. It’s a presentation of thehighlights of my career, with examples of my groundbreaking work.Chad: Uh, okay, if you say so.Melinda: Let me show you. The first page is a fact sheet of my majoraccomplishments, clients, jobs, and awards. That’s followed by a more detailedresume. And then, there are some samples of my best work, and finally, thereare testimonials from satisfied clients.Chad: But this is still a work in progress, right?Melinda: What do you mean?Chad: Well, your fact sheet is a half a page long. There are two samples of yourwork, and there are no testimonials, just a blank page.Melinda: I admit that it’s a little thin right now, but what do you expect? I juststarted working in the field six months ago. This portfolio shows that there isroom for growth.5These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2013). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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