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#0995 - Proper Behavior at a Formal Event, - Ang, mater, ESL Podcast McQuillan Jeff mp3+PDF

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//-->English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 995 – Proper Behavior at a Formal EventGLOSSARYto behave (oneself)– to act in such a way that is socially acceptable, not doinganything that would offend or bother other people* Although Christina is only two-years-old, she always behaves herself at church.solemn– formal and with the proper level of seriousness and respect* The funeral was solemn, with many people attending to show their respect forUncle Luis.levity– humor; treating a serious matter in a humorous way, without showing theproper respect* It’s not appropriate to attempt levity in the middle of an important businessnegotiation.to loosen up– to become relaxed; to become less serious and anxious* Try to loosen up before your job interview so you won’t sweat so much.to endure– to tolerate something that is unpleasant or painful; to suffer withpatience* Josephina endured a bad marriage for 15 years so that her children could growup with both parents in the home.indecent– not proper; action or behavior that is not socially acceptable and thatcauses offense and shock in other people* Wearing a dress that shows that much skin is indecent, even if you’re going to aparty.decorum– behavior that is considered good taste and socially acceptable,especially during formal or serious occasions* We welcomed the new company president at a reception with decorum andgood taste.to lighten up– to stop being sad or serious; to become more cheerful* Global warming is a serious issue, but let’s lighten up and talk about somethingelse while we’re at lunch.stick-in-the-mud– dull and not adventurous, not liking or wanting change* Bob is such a stick-in-the-mud. He only wants to go see movies on theweekend and never wants to go to a dance club.1These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 995 – Proper Behavior at a Formal Eventunseemly– behavior that is not proper or appropriate in a specific situation orsetting* That couple hasn’t stopped kissing since they arrived, and it’s unseemly in themiddle of a fancy restaurant.to crack a joke– to say something humorous to make others laugh; to make afunny statement* The speaker cracked a few jokes during his speech to make it more interestingto the audience.to take (oneself) too seriously– to worry too much about oneself and how oneappears to other people, believing that one’s opinions and actions are veryimportant* Sean takes himself too seriously, writing down every idea he has andpresenting them to others as though they’re the best ideas in the world.dignity– with a serious manner or style, causing others to view one with respect* When Sally heard about the new budget cuts, she didn’t wait to be fired, butresigned her job with dignity.to cheapen– to lower the character or quality of something; to cause somethingto be seen as worse than it is* That is a nice suit. Don’t cheapen it by wearing those worn out shoes.disgrace– having done something bad or unacceptable that causes others tolose respect for one* Nicola was caught stealing from the school and left her job in disgrace.huffy– annoyed; bothered; irritated* Don’t get huffy just because I finished the milk and forgot to buy more.seriously– very much; greatly* The music is too loud and I have a headache. I would seriously like to leavenow.bartender– a person whose job is to mix and serve drinks, especially alcoholicdrinks, at a bar* We ordered two beers and a glass of white wine from the bartender.2These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 995 – Proper Behavior at a Formal EventCOMPREHENSION QUESTIONS1.a)b)c)2.a)b)c)Samantha would like Rodney toBe more serious.Get her a drink.Tell her a few jokes.If you’re feeling huffy, you’reHappy.Angry.Hungry.______________WHAT ELSE DOES IT MEAN?to loosen upThe phrase “to loosen up,” in this podcast, means to become relaxed or tobecome less serious and anxious: “Ariana was nervous about attend a party byherself, but she loosen up when she started dancing.” “To loosen” means tomake something less tight, less restraining: “Can you help me loosen thisshoelace so I can take this shoe off?” “To loosen (one’s) grip” means to stopholding something tightly: “The boy was able to escape the villain when heloosened his grip on the boy’s arm.” Finally, “to loosen (someone’s) tongue”means to cause someone to speak freely: “Evan was the only criminal caught inthe robbery, but the police could not loosen his tongue to get him to tell them whothe other robbers were.”to cheapenIn this podcast, “to cheapen” means to lower the character or quality ofsomething or to cause something to be seen as worse than it is: “Let’s notcheapen our gift by wrapping it in newspaper.” Something that is “cheap” isinexpensive, either not costing very much money or is of poor quality: “Theseshoes are on sale and very cheap, so let’s buy three pairs.” Or, “Thesesunglasses are so cheap that the first time I dropped them on the floor, theybroke.” You can describe something as “dirt cheap” if it is very inexpensive:“These older cell phones are dirt cheap, because most people prefer newermodels.”3These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 995 – Proper Behavior at a Formal EventCULTURE NOTEThe Chief of Protocol of the United StatesWhen dealing with other countries, the United States must make sure that it isfollowing “protocol” (official rules and procedures). That is the job of the Chief ofProtocol of the United States, who “advises” (gives guidance to) all governmentofficials dealing with other countries, including the Secretary of State, the VicePresident, and the President of the United states.To help the Chief of Protocol do his or her job, the department is divided intoseveral “divisions” (parts; sections). The “visits” division is in charge of arrangingthe “itineraries” (scheduled route or stops) of “foreign dignitaries” (high-levelofficials from other countries) that visit the United States.The “ceremonials” division organizes the events and “ceremonies” (officialevents) that take place. These events include the signing of “treaties” (officialagreements between countries) and “swearing-in ceremonies” (official ceremonywelcoming someone to a high-level job) for “ambassadors” (top-level officials anda country’s representatives in another country).The “diplomatic partnerships” division helps to establish cultural exchanges and“goodwill” (positive feelings and opinions) between nations. This division helpsplan and promote opportunities for the U.S. and other countries to exchangeideas and share cultural information and traditions.Finally, the other divisions are in charge of managing the “staff” (people whowork within an organization or business) of the Chief of Protocol’s office and tohelp “house” (provide a place to sleep and rest) for visiting officials.______________Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – a; 2 – b4These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 995 – Proper Behavior at a Formal EventCOMPLETE TRANSCRIPTWelcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 995 – ProperBehavior at a Formal Event.This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 995. I’m your host, Dr.Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development inbeautiful Los Angeles, California.Our website is ESLPod.com. Go there and become a member of ESL Podcastand download the Learning Guide for this episode. You can also like us onFacebook at facebook.com/eslpod.On this episode, we’re going to talk about how you should act – how you shouldbehave – at a formal event. Let’s get started.[start of dialogue]Rodney: Ha-ha! Did you hear what I said? Funny, right?Samantha: Behave yourself! This is a serious and solemn occasion, not a timefor levity.Rodney: Loosen up. We have to endure two hours of this ceremony.Samantha: It’s indecent the way you’re behaving. Don’t you have any sense ofdecorum?Rodney: Lighten up. You’re such a stick-in-the-mud. There’s nothing unseemlyabout cracking a few jokes when everybody here is taking themselves tooseriously.Samantha: Your problem is that you have no sense of dignity. Don’t you realizethat your stupid jokes cheapen the occasion? You’re a disgrace.Rodney: Don’t get all huffy. All right, if you won’t join in, I’ll try to be serious.Samantha: That’s better.Rodney: I would seriously like a drink. Bartender!Samantha: [Groans]5These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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