#1021 - Mental Disorders, - Ang, mater, ESL Podcast McQuillan Jeff mp3+PDF
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 1021 – Mental DisordersGLOSSARYmental health– an assessment of a person’s psychological and emotionalwellness, especially how one reacts to stress and how one interacts with otherpeople* Do you think people with serious mental health problems should be allowed toown guns?support group– a group of people who suffer from a similar illness, problem, orexperience and meet regularly to discuss it and help each other* When Vic’s wife died, he started attending a support group for young widowers.anorexic– a person who suffers from anorexia nervosa, a mental illness thatcauses one to eat very little and exercises a lot to lose weight, becomingextremely thin, but still believing that one is fat* I’ve never seen Jennifer eat anything except plain lettuce. Do you think she’sanorexic?bulimic– a person who suffers from bulimia, a disease that causes one to eat alot of food, but then vomit it (throw it up) to avoid gaining weight* Bulimics can have major health problems because the body doesn’t get propernutrition.depression– long periods of unexplained feelings of sadness and a lack ofenergy and motivation* A lot of new mothers suffer from depression as they adjust to their new lifestyle.warning sign– an indication that there is a problem* These small tremors could be warning signs that the volcano is going to eruptagain.social anxiety disorder– a condition that causes one to fear being around otherpeople because one is afraid of being embarrassed or teased, and feels inferiorto or not as good as other people* People who have social anxiety disorder find it extremely difficult to meet newpeople and make friends.schizophrenia– a mental disorder that makes it difficult or impossible to knowwhat is real and what is imaginary, and negatively affects how one reacts to otherpeople and situations* Clarke was diagnosed with schizophrenia when doctors realized he believed hewas speaking with Albert Einstein.1These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 1021 – Mental Disordersat risk of– in danger of; with a possibility of something bad happening* People who eat a lot of salt and fat are at risk of having a heart attack.antisocial behavior– a way of acting that does not show consideration for thethoughts and feelings of other people* Paurin demonstrates antisocial behavior, often threatening her colleagues andmaking them feel extremely uncomfortable.to cope with– to be able to handle or deal with something that is difficult andchallenging* How is Ophelia coping with her mother’s death?binge drinking– the practice of drinking a lot of alcohol in a very short period oftime* If you often have four or five drinks at a time, you might have a problem withbinge drinking.obsessive-compulsive– a mental disorder that causes one to excessivelyworry about things and engage in repetitive, uncontrolled behaviors* Some people with obsessive-compulsive disorder spend hours washing theirhands every day.well-adjusted– accustomed and adapted to a situation or environment, meetinggeneral expectations for how one should appear and behave* Their children appear to be happy, well-adjusted kids who love playing withothers.nervous habit– an action or behavior that one unconsciously performsrepeatedly, especially when experiencing stress or worry* Jenna has a nervous habit of biting her nails when she’s working under adeadline.to deny– to say that something is not true; to not recognize the existence orreality of something* The man denied stealing the money, even thought three people said they sawhim do it.(letter)-word– a phrase used to avoid saying a rude, unacceptable, or secretword, using only the first letter as an indication of what that word might be* When I was a kid, my parents punished me for saying the f-word.2These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 1021 – Mental DisordersCOMPREHENSION QUESTIONS1. How will Dr. Miao make the students aware of the warning signs ofdepression?a) He’ll show them where the signs are for the mental health building.b) He’ll inform them about treatment options for depression.c) He’ll teach them about the symptoms of depression.2.a)b)c)What does Dr. Miao mean when she says, “We don’t use the c-word here”?She doesn’t want Dean to shout.She doesn’t like people to use the word “crazy.”She wants all of their services to be confidential.______________WHAT ELSE DOES IT MEAN?warning signThe phrase “warning sign,” in this podcast, means an indication that there is aproblem: “Falling sales could be a warning sign that our competitors are offeringa superior product.” The phrase “a sign of the times” is an indication of howpeople live nowadays, or a description of modern life: “Small children playing withtablet computers are just a sign of the times.” The phrase “sign of life” is anindication that a person or organism is alive: “Unfortunately, by the time theparamedics arrived at the scene of the accident, they couldn’t find any signs oflife.” Finally, the phrase “tell-tale sign” is an indication or clue that something badhas happened: “The girl’s sudden change in behavior at school is a tell-tale signthat she may be having problems at home.”well-adjustedIn this podcast, the phrase “well-adjusted” means accustomed and adapted to asituation or environment, and meeting general expectations for how one shouldappear and behave: “Damian seems surprisingly well-adjusted, given what adifficult childhood he had.” As a verb, “to adjust” means to adapt to something orbecome familiar and comfortable with it: “How long did it take you to adjust to lifein the big city?” The verb “to adjust” also means to change something a little bit toimprove it: “Can you adjust the focus of the camera lens?” Or, “When driving arental car, always adjust the mirrors and seat position before you start the car.”Finally, the phrase “to adjust” can mean to move a piece of clothing to make itmore attractive or more comfortable: “Here, let me adjust your necktie.”3These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 1021 – Mental DisordersCULTURE NOTEThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordersThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is sometimescalled the “psychiatrist’s bible,” where a psychiatrist is a doctor who studiesmental health problems and can prescribe medications for them. The DSM wasfirst created in 1952 and is now in its fifth “edition” (revision of a book that hasbeen published multiple times).The DSM “standardizes” (makes the same) “diagnoses” (a doctor’s assessmentof what is wrong with a patient) for psychiatric “disorders” (health problems).Specifically, the DSM “classifies” (groups by related types) mental disorders,presents their characteristics, and “assigns” (names) “codes” (strings of numbersand/or letters) to each disorder. This allows psychiatrists, researchers, insurers,and others to share information about a patient’s diagnosis and treatment quicklyand easily.Some people “criticize” (say bad things about) the DSM because it classifiesmental disorders based on their “symptoms” (how a condition affects one’s bodyor behavior) instead of the “causes” (what makes something happen) of thedisorder. Other people say that the DSM has a “cultural bias” such that thediagnoses do not “account for” consider expectations of behavior for people fromother cultures. The most recent edition has been criticized for “medicalizingnormality” (viewing normal behavior as a medical problem) and increasing thelikelihood that more people will use psychiatric drugs.“Despite these criticisms” (even thought these negative things are being said),the DSM “remains” (continues to be) an important tool for psychiatrists in theirwork with patients, colleagues, and health system administrators.______________Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – c; 2 – b4These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 1021 – Mental DisordersCOMPLETE TRANSCRIPTWelcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 1,021 – MentalDisorders.This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 1,021. I’m your host, Dr.Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development inbeautiful Los Angeles, California.Visit our website at ESLPod.com. Become a member of ESL Podcast anddownload the Learning Guide for this episode. What is the Learning Guide? Well,I’m glad you asked. The Learning Guide contains a complete transcript ofeverything I say on this episode – well, everything that Lucy and I say on thisepisode. The Learning Guide also contains vocabulary, definitions, samplesentences, cultural notes, and other interesting information to help youunderstand this episode. Go to our website for more information.This episode is about mental disorders – problems that people havepsychologically, mentally. Let’s get started.[start of dialogue]Dr. Miao: At Berthiaume College, we take mental health issues very seriously.That’s why we have so many mental health services on campus.Dean: Such as?Dr. Miao: Well, for example, there is a meeting tonight of our support group foranorexics and bulimics. Tomorrow night, I’ll be speaking to a group of studentsabout depression to make them aware of the warning signs.Dean: Those are very important issues.Dr. Miao: Yes, they are. In this student health center, we see cases ranging fromsocial anxiety disorder to schizophrenia. In addition to serious mental disorders,college students are at risk of developing many types of antisocial behaviorsresulting from the pressures of college and the stress of being on their own.Dean: I know what you mean. One of my roommates copes with stress by bingedrinking. My other roommate has become obsessive-compulsive. You should seehow clean our apartment is.5These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
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