#1026 - Marrying Young, - Ang, mater, ESL Podcast McQuillan Jeff mp3+PDF
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 1026 – Marrying YoungGLOSSARYto get engaged– to make a promise and plans to marry another person* They got engaged last summer, but they don’t plan to get married until they’veboth finished college.married– wed; with a husband or wife* They’ve been married for six years, but they don’t have any children yet.to pose– to present, especially to present a problem; to introduce somethinginto a situation* The drought is posing a major problem to the orange growers.maturity– the state of having full development and growth, especially the mentaldevelopment of a responsible adult* Ignacio is very smart, but he doesn’t have the maturity to be a decision-makerfor this company.to play house– to pretend to be married and living together, maybe evenstarting a family, without actually being committed to each other* Horace loves his girlfriend, but he isn’t ready to marry her yet, so he’s hopingshe’ll agree to move into his apartment and play house for a few years while theyget to know each other better.matrimony– marriage; the state of having a husband or wife and being fully andlegally committed to that person* Do you think it’s wrong to raise kids outside of matrimony?to sell (someone) short– to not give someone the full credit that he or shedeserves; to underestimate the good qualities or characteristics of someone* You’re too modest! Stop selling yourself short during job interviews.ideal– perfect; completely and entirely appropriate and an excellent match forsomething* Brandon just found his ideal job as a professional beer taster!to doom– to make one’s future very dark and negative, full of destruction oreven death* If we don’t get this new client account, our business is doomed!1These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 1026 – Marrying Youngregret– a feeling of sadness and disappointment about something thathappened or something that one did in the past, as well as a wish that one haddone it differently* At the end of her life, Shelly’s greatest regret was that she never tried to get herbook published.harsh– severe, mean, and very critical; too strong* Ten years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread? That punishment is too harsh.to grow old– to age; to experience life as one becomes older* They want to buy a house where they can grow old together.milestone– an important event or accomplishment that is part of a larger projector process* Turning 16 and getting a driver’s license is an important milestone for Americanteenagers.legal drinking age– the age at which one is allowed by law to buy and drinkalcohol* Many people think it’s wrong that Americans can join the Army when they are18, but can’t drink alcohol until they reach the legal drinking age of 21.facetious– without treating something as seriously as it should be treated; usinghumor inappropriately in a serious situation* Alicia made a facetious comment about how the people who were being firedwouldn’t need to worry anymore about getting to work on time.stability– an unchanging state; a position or situation where things are notchanging unpredictably; solidness; firmness* Justin is looking for a job with stability where he might be able to work untilretirement.to lean on– to depend on another person; to rely on another person forassistance, support, and guidance when one is experiencing problems orweakness* Marco found himself leaning on his children a lot when his wife was diagnosedwith breast cancer.to beat the odds– to do something better than expected; to win or succeedwhen statistical data shows that success is improbable or unlikely* Very few people can complete all the training in just one year, but if you workhard enough, you might be able to beat the odds.2These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 1026 – Marrying YoungCOMPREHENSION QUESTIONS1.a)b)c)2.a)b)c)Which of these phrases means to enter into matrimony?To get engagedTo get marriedTo play houseWhy does Irene think Ken is selling them short?Because he doesn’t want to buy them a wedding present.Because he doesn’t like to attend weddings.Because he doesn’t think they’re as mature as they actually are.______________WHAT ELSE DOES IT MEAN?to poseThe verb “to pose,” in this podcast, means to present, especially to present aproblem, or to introduce something into a situation: “The interviews posed a lot ofhypothetical situations to find out how the applicants would react in certainsituations.” The phrase “to pose questions” means to ask questions, especially ina formal setting: “The reporters posed some challenging questions during thepress conference.” The verb “to pose” can also mean to position one’s body in acertain way, especially for an audience or a camera: “The photographer askedthe model to pose with her chin on her hands.” Finally, the phrase “to pose as”means to pretend to be someone else, or to present oneself in a certain way: “Isit a crime to pose as a police officer?”to lean onIn this podcast, the phrase “to lean on” means to depend on another person forassistance, support, and guidance when one is experiencing problems orweakness: “We expect new employees to lean on their colleagues for the firstweek or two, but after that, they should work independently.” The phrase “to leanon” also means to rest part of one’s weight against an object: “If you’re tired, youcan lean on my shoulder.” The phrase “to lean toward (something)” means tofavor a certain position or opinion: “After hearing his arguments, I’m learningtoward supporting the new regulations.” Finally, when used as an adjective, theword “lean” means having very little fat: “The doctor recommended eating morelean meats, like chicken and fish.”3These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 1026 – Marrying YoungCULTURE NOTENon-Traditional Students in CollegeTraditionally, students attend college “straight out of” (immediately aftergraduating from) high school and their studies are their main focus, with studentsnot working or not working very much during their studies. However, manystudents are “non-traditional students” who do not “fit the image” (meet people’sexpectations) of a traditional student.According to the National Center for Education Statistics, a “non-traditionalstudent” is a student who has one or more of the following characteristics:•“Delays” (does something later) “enrollment” (officially registering to takeclasses) by more than one year after the high school graduation•Is a part-time student for at least part of the year•Works 35 or more hours per week•Is “financially independent” (responsible for one’s own expenses, withoutreceiving significant financial assistance from family members)•“Supports a family” (is responsible for children or other family members)•Is a “single parent” (someone who is raising children without being marriedto the mother/father, and without the help of the father/mother)•Does not have a high school “diploma” (a certificate stating that one hascompleted high school)Universities recognize that many non-traditional students “face” (deal with)significant “challenges” (something that makes it more difficult to achieve one’sgoals) and require additional support in order to earn their degree.“Consequently” (as a result), many colleges offer special programs andscholarships that are designed for non-traditional students.For example, single mothers who are studying at the university might haveaccess to scholarships that are not available to other students, and they might beinvited to attend meetings of “support groups” (groups of people with similarproblems) to talk about their problems and learn how their “peers” (people withsimilar characteristics) are “coping” (dealing with a difficult situation).______________Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – b; 2 – c4These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.English as a Second Language Podcastwww.eslpod.comESL Podcast 1026 – Marrying YoungCOMPLETE TRANSCRIPTWelcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 1,026 – MarryingYoung.This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 1,026. I’m your host, Dr.Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development inbeautiful Los Angeles, California.Visit our website at ESLPod.com. Become a member of ESL Podcast. You canalso like us on Facebook at facebook.com/eslpod, or follow us on Twitter at@eslpod.This episode is a dialogue between Irene and Ken about people getting married.Let’s get started.[start of dialogue]Irene: Damon and his girlfriend just got engaged. They’re planning on gettingmarried this summer.Ken: They’re too young! Marrying young poses all kinds of problems.Irene: Such as?Ken: Such as the two of them lacking maturity. They may think it’s fun to playhouse right now, but they’re not prepared to face the realities and responsibilitiesof matrimony.Irene: I think you’re selling them short. They’ve been dating for two years, andthere’s no ideal age for marriage.Ken: Yes, but we all know that marrying young will doom them to a life of regrets.Irene: That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think? A lot of people who marry young havesuccessful marriages. I like the idea of growing old with your spouse. You canreach many of life’s milestones together.Ken: Like reaching the legal drinking age?Irene: Don’t be facetious. Getting married will give them stability and someone tolean on. I think they’ll be great as a married couple.5These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2014). Posting ofthese materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
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