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!Philadelphia, scenariusze

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PhiladelphiaFADE IN:VARIOUS SHOTS OF PHILADELPHIA EXTERIORS (EXT./DAY) ...which may include the Liberty Bell, the Italian Market,scenes along the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers,Independence Square, the Russian Orthodox neighborhood, theghettos of North Philly.MAIN TITLES PLAY OVER THIS SEQUENCE which culminates in aSHOT OF...CUT TO:PHILADELPHIA'S GLORIOUSLY ORNATE CITY HALL (EXT./DAY) ...TITLE: "Philadelphia City Hall."CITY EMPLOYEES, JUDGES, COPS, LAWYERS, CRIMINALS, TOURISTSpour into City Hall, into...TO:TWO STORY HIGH CORRIDORS THAT REEK OF HISTORY (INT-DAY).Young lawyer JAMEY COLLINS darts through the crowd, carryingan accordion file under his arm like a football.Jamey elbows his way through a JAPANESE TOUR GROUP.Jamey trots up a marble staircase, two steps at a timeTO:JAMEY RUNS LIKE HELL DOWN A THIRD FLOOR CORRIDOR, FOOTSTEPSmaking a racket...Jamey rushes toward a door marked "JUDGE TATE."RAISED VOICES from inside Judge Tate's chambers:JOSEPH MILLER (OS)This construction site iscausing mortal and irreparableharm to an unsuspecting public!ANDREW BECKETT (OS)My client has one of the finestand most respected safety recordsin the business, Your Honor!Jamey shoves open the door, REVEALING TWO LAWYERS (BACKS TOCAMERA) STANDING BEFORE JUDGE EUNICE TATE: ANDREW BECKETT(in conservative gray) and JOSEPH MILLER (in pinstripes).JUDGE TATEOne at a time. Mr. Miller?JOEYour Honor, since Rockwell Corp.began construction, thesurrounding residentialneighborhood has been enshroudedin a cloud of foul-smelling,germ-carrying, pestilent dust.My client is being forced tobreathe known carcinogens daily!Other residents are coming forthon a daily basis to add theirvoices of outrage!ANDREWYour Honor, I submit there wereno complaints until Counselorbegan knocking on doors,drumming up business. And thedust, which Counselor refers to,has appeared on only threeoccasions. Each time it hasbeen examined and the results...Behind his back, Andrew wiggles his fingers. Jamey stuffsa document into Andrew's hand.ANDREW (CONT.)Limestone. Messy, but innocuous.Andrew submits the report to the Judge.JOEInnocuous?ANDREWDefined by Webster's as harmless.JOEI know what it means. YourHonor, imagine how the childrenin this neighborhood have beenmade to feel. The pounding ofconstruction ringing in theirears as this skyscraper, atribute to mankind's greed,grows daily, casting an ominousshadow over their lives, fillingthem with dread even as they aresurrounded in a black, toxicfog, blocking out the sun whilepoisoning their lungs! AndCounselor calls it harmless?!His back turned momentarily to the JUDGE, Andrew mouths toJamey: "Not bad." But he whips around, serious again:ANDREWYour Honor, Counselor isattempting to portray my clientas a hideous manifestation ofevil and corruption. Butnothing could be further fromthe truth. Rockwell hasgenerously contributed tenthousand dollars to thisneighborhood's schools, clinicsand youth centers! Granting arestraining order on theconstruction site will throwhundreds of Philadelphians outof work, and will lendvalidation to this contemptibleand groundless nuisance suit,which speaks directly to thekind of greed and treachery thattoday is threatening the veryfabric of our society.Judge Tate looks skeptically at both lawyers.JUDGE TATELet's not go off the deep end,gentlemen. I thought we weretalking about some dust.CUT TO:A MAN ON CRUTCHES HOBBLES INTO A COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR AND ISjoined by Andrew and Joe, crowding inside (INT./DAY) ...As soon as the doors close, Andrew whips out a micro-cassette recorder, making notes, and Joe, in the oppositecorner of the elevator, does exactly the same thing.ANDREW JOE... plaintiff seeks to re- ... whereas decedent hadstrain defendants from con- pre-existing asthmatictinued improper use of trade condition and ride onname without... Ultra Loop caused sub-sequent death...Andrew and Joe stop at the same time, look at each other...And turn toward the corner, seeking privacy.ANDREW (CONT.) JOE (CONT.)... plaintiff's permission or ... complainant seeksauthorization... relief...There's a PERSISTENT BEEPING, Andrew and Joe pull out theirportable telephones at the same time.They look at each other: which phone is ringing?ANDREWYou.Andrew resumes his telephone conversation.JOERight.(into phone)Miller.The ELEVATOR OPENS: Andrew breezes past the MAN ONCRUTCHES, saying to Joe:ANDREWClient of yours?JOEFunny.Andrew hurries down the corridor. Joe waits a moment... thenpursues the MAN ON CRUTCHES.JOE (CONT.)Excuse me..? Sir? Yo!CUT TO:ANDREW EKERGES FROM CITY HALL, ONTO DILWORTH PLAZA BUSTLING withPEDESTRIANS (EXT./DAY) ...... DARTS into the street, hailing a cab.CUT TO:THE CAB PULLS UP TO A BROWNSTONE ON A RESIDENTIAL STREET,Andrew hopping out, stuffing papers into his briefcase(EXT./DAY) ...RUSHING to the door marked "Dr. Roberta Gillman, InternalMedicine."Coming out is a YOUNG ASIAN MAN with a cotton ball taped tothe inside of his elbow.CUT TO:CLASSICAL MUSIC (INT./DAY) ... AS CAMERA PANS PATIENTS(MOSTLY YOUNG MEN) in a cheerful room... some, like a UPSDELIVERY MAN, are attached to IV's, some sit with armsextended, waiting to be hooked to an IV by TYRONE, a BLACKPHYSICIAN'S AID.CAMERA FINDS ANDREW sitting quietly, with an IV drip runninginto his arm. Andrew is wearing a Walkman, the source ofthe CLASSICAL MUSIC, and he's reading a legal brief. Mostof the people in the room look SICKER than Andrew.DIALOGUE CAN BE HEARD under the CLASSICAL MUSIC (althoughMUSIC dominates the SOUNDTRACK).TYRONE(slapping a thinPATIENT'S wrist)Gonna have to start looking forveins in your feet, sweetheart.DR. ROBERTA GILLMAN, passes through, speaking to Andrew:DR. GILLMANAndy. Can you stop at my officeon your way out?ANDREWSure.Andrew is distracted by A HISPANIC MAN across the room,rolling up his sleeve for an IV -- his bare arms, hands,face and neck are marked with PURPLE BLOTCHES.Andrew closes his eyes, concentrating for a moment on theCLASSICAL MUSIC... then goes back to work.CUT TO:ANDREW HURRIES OUT OF THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE, HAILING A CAB(EXT./DAY) ...CUT TO:ANDREW HOPS OUT OF THE CAB, IN FRONT OF AN IMPRESSIVEskyscraper in downtown Philly, at the end of the work day(EXT./DAY) ...Andrew pushes through glass doors into the plush "WheelerBuilding," pressing through the tide of WORKERS headed home.CUT TO:A BLACK PARALEGAL, ANTHEA BURTON, LEADS A YOUNG, BLACK LAWCLERK (in suit and tie) to the elevators, at the sedate,expensively appointed offices of Wyant Wheeler HellermanTetlow and Brown (INT./DAY) ...ANTHEA... up to Tax,... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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