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  #0467 – Buying Men's Shirts

#0467 – Buying Men's Shirts, - Ang, mater, ESL Podcast McQuillan Jeff mp3+PDF

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English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 467 – Buying Men’s Shirts
fitting room –
a small room with a door where one can try on clothing in a store
before deciding whether to buy it
* In this store, you can take only eight pieces of clothing into a fitting room at a
dress shirt –
a nice men’s shirt, appropriate for work in an office, with buttons
down the front that hold the two sides together
* He usually wears very casual clothes, so it was nice to see him wearing a dress
shirt for a change.
to fit –
to be the right size for one’s body; to appear appropriate on one’s body
* These pants don’t fit me. They’re too big in the thigh and too short.
sleeve –
the part of a shirt that covers one’s arm from one’s shoulder down to
the middle of one’s arm or one’s wrist
* He has really long arms so most shirtsleeves are too short for him.
form fitting –
tight; cut to fit closely against one’s body, showing the shape of
one’s body.
* She is very uncomfortable with her weight, so she never wears form fitting
roomy –
big; with a lot of extra space
* I like this jacket because it’s roomy and I can move around easily when I’m
wearing it.
on the (something) side –
a little bit too (something); with a tendency to be too
* The car was a little bit on the expensive side, but they decided to buy it anyway.
collar –
the part of a shirt that lies against one’s neck, often closed with a button
under one’s chin
* He forgot to button his collar before he put on the tie.
loose –
not held in place; able to move
* This shelf is loose. Can you please get a screwdriver to fix it?
tight –
held in place; not able to move
* Those jeans are so tight that he can’t even sit down while wearing them!
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2009). Posting of
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English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 467 – Buying Men’s Shirts
cuff –
the piece of fabric at one’s wrist, usually with a button to close it over one’s
* It was too hot, so she unbuttoned her cuffs and rolled up her sleeves.
to fall –
to hang; to rest without support from below
* This necklace falls just above the top of her dress.
V-neck –
with an opening in the shape of the letter “V” for one’s neck and head
to go through
* She forgot to put sunscreen on her chest when she wore a V-neck shirt, so she
got sunburned.
crew neck –
with a round opening that lies next to one’s neck for one’s neck and
head to go through
* He wears a crew neck T-shirt underneath his dress shirts every day.
short-sleeve –
a shirt with fabric that covers one’s arm and reaches from one’s
shoulder to the point halfway between one’s shoulder and elbow
* Why are you wearing a short-sleeve shirt in the winter? You must be cold!
long-sleeve –
a shirt with fabric that covers one’s arm and reaches from one’s
shoulder to one’s wrist
* If you’re cold, put on a long-sleeve shirt.
oversized –
too big; bigger than necessary
* Many fast food restaurants sell oversized portions of French fries.
room –
space; an area with nothing in it
* They were excited to move from their small apartment into a home with more
room for their five children.
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2009). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 467 – Buying Men’s Shirts
1. Which of these would you expect to see on a dress shirt?
a) A crew neck.
b) Short sleeves.
c) Cuffs.
2. What was wrong with the last shirt that Eddie tried on?
a) It was too form fitting.
b) It was too big.
c) It was too small.
The verb “to fit,” in this podcast, means to be the right size for one’s body: “After
she had her baby, none of her clothes fit correctly.” As a noun, a “fit” can be a
match between two things, or the way that two things work well together: “His job
isn’t a good fit for him, so he has decided to leave the company.” A “fit” is also a
short period of time when one cannot control what one says or does, often
because one is very angry: “She had a fit when she came home to such a messy
house.” A “fit of laughter” is uncontrollable laughing that happens when
something is very funny: “The girls had a fit of laughter and had to leave the
classroom.” Finally, the word “fit” can also mean to be in good physical health:
“He’s very fit since he runs at least five miles every day.”
to fall
In this podcast, the verb “to fall” means to hang or to rest without support from
below: “The long skirt falls to her ankles.” The phrase “to fall under (something)”
means to be part of a group or category: “This project falls under the
responsibility of the marketing department.” The phrase “to fall short of
(something)” means to not meet expectations, or to be less than expected: “The
number of participants fell short of what they had planned for.” The phrase “To
fall by the wayside” means to stop being used or done: “Their plans to expand
their business fell by the wayside when the economy started doing poorly.”
Finally, the phrase “to fall flat” means to not be received well, especially when
talking about a performance or speech: “The comedian’s show fell flat. The
audience didn’t laugh even once!”
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2009). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 467 – Buying Men’s Shirts
There are many types of men’s shirts “besides” (in addition to) the ones
described in today’s podcast. A “tank top,” for example, is a shirt that has no
sleeves. Instead, there are thin “strips” (narrow pieces) of fabric that go over the
man’s shoulder and hold the front and back of the shirt onto the man’s body.
When the tank top is white and has a very large opening for the neck and arms, it
is sometimes called a “wife-beater shirt.” This is a very informal and “insulting”
(rude) expression. It is based on the “stereotype” (the unfair way that people
think about a group of people) of men who wear these shirts. In the U.S., these
white tank tops have traditionally been worn by certain types of “laborers” (people
who do work with their hands), and this insulting term is used to show negative
views of how laborers may behave toward their wives.
A “muscle shirt” is like a form fitting T-shirt or tank top, but the strips that go over
the shoulders are wider than those on a regular tank top. The shirt is designed to
let the man “show off” (let other people see something that one is proud of) the
muscles in his “torso” (upper body). Men who spend a lot of time lifting weights
at the gym often wear muscle shirts.
A “Hawaiian shirt” is a loose shirt with buttons down the front and short sleeves.
The fabric has bright colors and a large “print” (a repeated design on a piece of
fabric) of tropical flowers, “palm trees” (tropical trees), or sailboats.
A “polo” shirt is a short-sleeve shirt that has a collar and just a few buttons at the
neck. The buttons don’t go all the way down the front of the shirt, but they do
need to be undone so that the shirt can be pulled over the man’s head.
Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – c; 2 – b
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2009). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 467 – Buying Men’s Shirts
Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 467: Buying Men’s
This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 467. I’m your host, Dr.
Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in
the beautiful City of Los Angeles, California.
Go to our website at and download a Learning Guide for this episode
to help you improve your English even faster. We also have some additional
courses in daily and business English including our new Introduction to the
United States course, which we think you’ll be interested in.
This episode is called “Buying Men’s Shirts.” It’s a dialogue between Francesca
and Eddie using a lot of vocabulary that you would need to know to buy a shirt for
a man. Let’s get shopping!
[start of dialogue]
Francesca: Hurry up! Come out of that fitting room so I can see how the dress
shirt fits.
Eddie: The first one didn’t fit at all. The sleeves were too short and it was too
form fitting. I like my shirts to be on the roomy side. I’m trying on the second
Francesca: Come on, let me see. Okay, I think this one fits you pretty well. The
collar is the right size, not too loose or tight. The cuffs on this one fall at just the
right place, don’t you think?
Eddie: Yeah, it’s fine.
Francesca: Try on the T-shirts.
Eddie: Okay, but I’m not trying on the fancy ones with a V-neck. I like my T-
shirts the old-fashioned way – with a crew neck.
Francesca: All right, but try on the short-sleeve and the long-sleeve ones, too.
Hurry up.
These materials are copyrighted by the Center for Educational Development (2009). Posting of
these materials on another website or distributing them in any way is prohibited.
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